Formy ściągnięte

Formy ściągnięte


aren’t = are not
can’t = cannot
couldn’t = could not
could’ve = could have
hadn’t = had not
hasn’t = has not
haven’t = have not
I’d = I had, I should, I would
I’ll = I shall, I will
I’m = I am
isn’t = is not
it’d = it had, it would
it’ll = it will
it’s = it is
I’ve = I have
mustn’t = must not
shan’t = shall not
(s)he’d = (s)he had, (s)he would
(s)he’ll = (s)he will
(s)he’s = (s)he is, (s)he has
shan’t = shall not
they’d = they had, they would
they’ll = they will
they’re = they are
they’ve = they have
wasn’t = was not
we’d = we had, we would
we’ll = we shall, we will
we’re = we are
weren’t = were not
we’ve = we have
what’s = what are
where’s = where is
who’d = who had, who would
who’ll = who shall, who will
won’t = will not
wouldn’t = would not
would’ve = would have
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