Baza aktów prawnych Unii Europejskiej  Cytaty odnotowujące konkretne użycie tłumaczeń słów angielsko-polskich i polsko-angielskich umieszczone w serwisie pochodzą z Bazy danych DGT-TM, która jest wyłączną własnością Komisji Europejskiej i została udostępniona bezpłatnie i bez ograniczeń terytorialnych. Data dostępu do bazy 02.09.2019. Dokładne informacje nt. pochodzenia źródła tłumaczenia oraz daty powstania dokumentu w bazie DGT-TM zostały umieszczone pod poszczególnymi cytatami wraz z aktywnym odnośnikiem do oryginalnego dokumentu z bazy.
Lista cytatów w języku polskim i angielskim zawierająca frazę: ch����
...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE= Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria, PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, do którego należy instytucja wypełniająca formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Republika Czeska; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SL = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa instytucji rozpatrującej: BE = Belgia; CZ = Republika Czeska; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SL = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja, UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Republika Czeska, DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia, GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr, LV = Łotwa, LT = Litwa, LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry, MT = Malta, NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria, PL = Polska, PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia, SK = Słowacja, FI = Finlandia, SE = Szwecja, UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta, NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus, LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja, UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...Slovakia; FI=Finland; SE=Sweden; UK=United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy, DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia, GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr, LV = Łotwa, LT = Litwa, LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry, MT = Malta, NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria, PL = Polska, PT = Portugalia; Sl = Słowenia, SK = Słowacja, FI = Finlandia, SE = Szwecja, UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI=Finland; SE=Sweden; UK=United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SL = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country in which the institution completing the form is situated: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, do którego należy instytucja wypełniająca formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Republika Czeska; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland; PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia; SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden; UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

...FI = Finland, SE = Sweden, UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.
Symbol państwa, którego instytucja wypełnia formularz: BE = Belgia; CZ = Czechy; DK = Dania; DE = Niemcy; EE = Estonia; GR = Grecja; ES = Hiszpania; FR = Francja; IE = Irlandia; IT = Włochy; CY = Cypr; LV = Łotwa; LT = Litwa; LU = Luksemburg; HU = Węgry; MT = Malta; NL = Niderlandy; AT = Austria; PL = Polska; PT = Portugalia; SI = Słowenia; SK = Słowacja; FI = Finlandia; SE = Szwecja; UK = Zjednoczone Królestwo; IS = Islandia; LI = Lichtenstein; NO = Norwegia;
= Szwajcaria.

Symbol of the country to whose legislation the worker is subject: BE = Belgium; CZ = Czech Republic; DK = Denmark; DE = Germany; EE = Estonia; GR = Greece; ES = Spain; FR = France; IE = Ireland; IT = Italy; CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania; LU = Luxembourg; HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands; AT = Austria; PL = Poland, PT = Portugal; SI = Slovenia, SK = Slovakia, FI = Finland, SE = Sweden, UK = United Kingdom; IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway;
= Switzerland.

...pkt lit. a) załącznika II w tekście umieszczonym w nawiasie dodaje się tekst w brzmieniu: »
– Szwajcaria«;

...indent of point (a) of Annex II, the following shall be added to the text in brackets: “
for Switzerland”.
w tiret pierwszym pkt 3.1 załącznika I oraz w tiret pierwszym pkt lit. a) załącznika II w tekście umieszczonym w nawiasie dodaje się tekst w brzmieniu: »
– Szwajcaria«;

To the first indent of point 3.1 of Annex 1 and to the first indent of point (a) of Annex II, the following shall be added to the text in brackets: “
for Switzerland”.

... lit. a) tiret pierwsze, w tekście umieszczonym w nawiasie dodaje się następujący tekst: »
– Szwajcaria«.

...indent of point (a) of Annex II, the following shall be added to the text in brackets: “
for Switzerland”.
W załączniku I pkt 3.1 tiret pierwsze oraz w załączniku II pkt lit. a) tiret pierwsze, w tekście umieszczonym w nawiasie dodaje się następujący tekst: »
– Szwajcaria«.

To the first indent of point 3.1 of Annex 1 and to the first indent of point (a) of Annex II, the following shall be added to the text in brackets: “
for Switzerland”.

— Szwajcaria

— Switzerland
— Szwajcaria

— Switzerland


) Switzerland

) Switzerland

– Szwajcaria

– Switzerland
– Szwajcaria

– Switzerland

– Szwajcaria

– Switzerland
– Szwajcaria

– Switzerland

– Szwajcaria

– Switzerland
– Szwajcaria

– Switzerland

Lista haseł polskich
Lista haseł angielskich
Lista haseł niemieckich
Lista haseł włoskich
Lista haseł rosyjskich