Baza aktów prawnych Unii Europejskiej  Cytaty odnotowujące konkretne użycie tłumaczeń słów angielsko-polskich i polsko-angielskich umieszczone w serwisie pochodzą z Bazy danych DGT-TM, która jest wyłączną własnością Komisji Europejskiej i została udostępniona bezpłatnie i bez ograniczeń terytorialnych. Data dostępu do bazy 02.09.2019. Dokładne informacje nt. pochodzenia źródła tłumaczenia oraz daty powstania dokumentu w bazie DGT-TM zostały umieszczone pod poszczególnymi cytatami wraz z aktywnym odnośnikiem do oryginalnego dokumentu z bazy.
Lista cytatów w języku polskim i angielskim zawierająca frazę: favorable
...French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides LP with more
financing conditions than its competitors in a market in the process of being liberalized.

...government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides La Poste with more
favorable financing conditions
than its
in a market in the process of being liberalized.
Extract from ‘Ratings Direct’ on La Poste, S & P, 3 April 2007. ‘The EC recently recommended that the French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides LP with more
financing conditions than its competitors in a market in the process of being liberalized.

Fragment Ratings direct dot. La Poste, S & P, dnia 3 kwietnia 2007 r.: „The EC recently recommended that the French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides La Poste with more
favorable financing conditions
than its
in a market in the process of being liberalized.

...French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides LP with more
financing conditions than its competitors in a market in the process of being liberalized.

...government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides La Poste with more
favorable financing conditions
than its
in a market in the process of being liberalized.
Extract from ‘Ratings Direct’ on La Poste, S & P, 3 April 2007: ‘The EC recently recommended that the French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides LP with more
financing conditions than its competitors in a market in the process of being liberalized.

Fragment Ratings direct dot. La Poste, S & P, dnia 3 kwietnia 2007 r.: „The EC recently recommended that the French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides La Poste with more
favorable financing conditions
than its
in a market in the process of being liberalized.

...French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides LP with more
financing conditions than its competitors in a market in the process of being liberalized.

...French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides LP with more
favorable financing conditions
than its
in a market in the process of being liberalized”
‘The EC recently recommended that the French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides LP with more
financing conditions than its competitors in a market in the process of being liberalized.’

„The EC recently recommended that the French government end this guarantee by year-end 2008, which they believe provides LP with more
favorable financing conditions
than its
in a market in the process of being liberalized”.

The company Ningbo Favored Commodity Co., Ltd (‘Ningbo
’) questioned how the data of a single Turkish producer could be sufficiently representative to establish a dumping margin for the...

Przedsiębiorstwo Ningbo Favored Commodity Co., Ltd („Ningbo
”) zapytało, w jaki sposób dane jednego tureckiego producenta mogły być wystarczająco reprezentatywne do ustalenia marginesu...
The company Ningbo Favored Commodity Co., Ltd (‘Ningbo
’) questioned how the data of a single Turkish producer could be sufficiently representative to establish a dumping margin for the entirety of all Chinese exporting producers, and considered it to be surprising that the domestic prices in Turkey were significantly higher than in the Union.

Przedsiębiorstwo Ningbo Favored Commodity Co., Ltd („Ningbo
”) zapytało, w jaki sposób dane jednego tureckiego producenta mogły być wystarczająco reprezentatywne do ustalenia marginesu dumpingu dla wszystkich chińskich producentów eksportujących, oraz uznało za zaskakujące, iż ceny krajowe w Turcji były znacząco wyższe niż w Unii.

After disclosure of the provisional findings, Ningbo
made a submission concerning the methodology employed to calculate the injury margins.

Po ujawnieniu tymczasowych ustaleń Ningbo
złożyło oświadczenie dotyczące metody użytej do obliczenia marginesów szkody.
After disclosure of the provisional findings, Ningbo
made a submission concerning the methodology employed to calculate the injury margins.

Po ujawnieniu tymczasowych ustaleń Ningbo
złożyło oświadczenie dotyczące metody użytej do obliczenia marginesów szkody.

Adler, I.D., Shelby M.D., Bootman, J.,
, J., Generoso, W., Pacchierotti, F., Shibuya, T. and Tanaka N., (1994) International Workshop on Standardisation of Genotoxicity Test Procedures. Summary...

Adler, I. D., Shelby M. D., Bootman, J., Favor, J., Generoso, W., Pacchierotti, F., Shibuya, T. and Tanaka N. (1994), International Workshop on Standardisation of Genotoxicity Test Procedures.
Adler, I.D., Shelby M.D., Bootman, J.,
, J., Generoso, W., Pacchierotti, F., Shibuya, T. and Tanaka N., (1994) International Workshop on Standardisation of Genotoxicity Test Procedures. Summary Report of the Working Group on Mammalian Germ Cell Tests.

Adler, I. D., Shelby M. D., Bootman, J., Favor, J., Generoso, W., Pacchierotti, F., Shibuya, T. and Tanaka N. (1994), International Workshop on Standardisation of Genotoxicity Test Procedures.

Fondo di previdenza a
degli spedizionieri dognali (Welfare Fund for Customs Agents);

Fondo di previdenza a favore degli spedizionieri dognali (Fundusz Opieki Społecznej dla Urzędników Celnych);
Fondo di previdenza a
degli spedizionieri dognali (Welfare Fund for Customs Agents);

Fondo di previdenza a favore degli spedizionieri dognali (Fundusz Opieki Społecznej dla Urzędników Celnych);

Fondo di previdenza a
degli spedizionieri doganali (Welfare Fund for Customs Agents).’;

Fondo di previdenza a favore degli spedizionieri dognali (Fundusz Opieki Społecznej dla Urzędników Celnych).”;
Fondo di previdenza a
degli spedizionieri doganali (Welfare Fund for Customs Agents).’;

Fondo di previdenza a favore degli spedizionieri dognali (Fundusz Opieki Społecznej dla Urzędników Celnych).”;

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