Baza aktów prawnych Unii Europejskiej  Cytaty odnotowujące konkretne użycie tłumaczeń słów angielsko-polskich i polsko-angielskich umieszczone w serwisie pochodzą z Bazy danych DGT-TM, która jest wyłączną własnością Komisji Europejskiej i została udostępniona bezpłatnie i bez ograniczeń terytorialnych. Data dostępu do bazy 02.09.2019. Dokładne informacje nt. pochodzenia źródła tłumaczenia oraz daty powstania dokumentu w bazie DGT-TM zostały umieszczone pod poszczególnymi cytatami wraz z aktywnym odnośnikiem do oryginalnego dokumentu z bazy.
Lista cytatów w języku polskim i angielskim zawierająca frazę: either
...the clear aim of the entity is to achieve a high level of operational and financial independence,
through privatization or commercial autonomy (state ownership, but independent management)...

...the clear aim of the entity is to achieve a high level of operational and financial independence,
through privatization or commercial autonomy (state ownership, but independent management)...
[…] The entity’s postal activities are still a key public service, but the clear aim of the entity is to achieve a high level of operational and financial independence,
through privatization or commercial autonomy (state ownership, but independent management) […]”.

[…] The entity’s postal activities are still a key public service, but the clear aim of the entity is to achieve a high level of operational and financial independence,
through privatization or commercial autonomy (state ownership, but independent management) […]’.

[nie były szczepione przeciwko zakaźnemu zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy u bydła,]

[have not been vaccinated against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis,]
[nie były szczepione przeciwko zakaźnemu zapaleniu nosa i tchawicy u bydła,]

[have not been vaccinated against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis,]

(1)[„Ozdobne] (1)[ryby] (1)[mięczaki] (1)[skorupiaki] przeznaczone do zamkniętych obiektów, w których utrzymuje się zwierzęta ozdobne, we Wspólnocie”]]

(1)[‘Ornamental] (1)[fish] (1)[molluscs] (1)[crustaceans] intended for closed ornamental facilities in the Community’]]
(1)[„Ozdobne] (1)[ryby] (1)[mięczaki] (1)[skorupiaki] przeznaczone do zamkniętych obiektów, w których utrzymuje się zwierzęta ozdobne, we Wspólnocie”]]

(1)[‘Ornamental] (1)[fish] (1)[molluscs] (1)[crustaceans] intended for closed ornamental facilities in the Community’]]

(1)[pochodzą z kraju/terytorium, strefy, enklawy lub gospodarstwa, gdzie żaden z gatunków podatnych na (1)[SVC] (1)[BKD] (1)[IPN] (1)[GS] nie został odnotowany,]

(1)[originate from a country/territory, zone, compartment or farm where none of the species susceptible to (1)[SVC] (1)[BKD] (1)[IPN] (1)[GS] are known to be present]
(1)[pochodzą z kraju/terytorium, strefy, enklawy lub gospodarstwa, gdzie żaden z gatunków podatnych na (1)[SVC] (1)[BKD] (1)[IPN] (1)[GS] nie został odnotowany,]

(1)[originate from a country/territory, zone, compartment or farm where none of the species susceptible to (1)[SVC] (1)[BKD] (1)[IPN] (1)[GS] are known to be present]

[The distillate from
high temperature coal tar, coke oven light oil, or coal tar oil alkaline extract residue having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F).

[The distillate from
high temperature coal tar, coke oven light oil, or coal tar oil alkaline extract residue having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F).
[The distillate from
high temperature coal tar, coke oven light oil, or coal tar oil alkaline extract residue having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F).

[The distillate from
high temperature coal tar, coke oven light oil, or coal tar oil alkaline extract residue having an approximate distillation range of 130 °C to 210 °C (266 °F to 410 °F). is in the interest of JVCo that Q restricts its equity portion of JVCo until such time that
E or JVCo are no longer categorised as »small or medium enterprises« under the rules for inve is in the interest of JVCo that Q restricts its equity portion of JVCo until such time that
E or JVCo are no longer categorised as “small or medium enterprises” under the rules for inve
„The Parties understand that, in order to qualify for maximum grants, it is in the interest of JVCo that Q restricts its equity portion of JVCo until such time that
E or JVCo are no longer categorised as »small or medium enterprises« under the rules for investment grants etc., or that this restriction becomes null and void. As such, Q’s ownership of JVCo must be less than 25 % in order to qualify for certain German government subsidies.”

‘The Parties understand that, in order to qualify for maximum grants, it is in the interest of JVCo that Q restricts its equity portion of JVCo until such time that
E or JVCo are no longer categorised as “small or medium enterprises” under the rules for investment grants etc., or that this restriction becomes null and void.

»credit institution« means
: (a) a credit institution within the meaning of §1(1) of the KWG that is subject to supervision by a competent authority; or (b) another credit institution within...

“credit institution” means
: (a) a credit institution within the meaning of §1 (1) of the KWG that is subject to supervision by a competent authority; or (b) another credit institution within...
»credit institution« means
: (a) a credit institution within the meaning of §1(1) of the KWG that is subject to supervision by a competent authority; or (b) another credit institution within the meaning of Article 123(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union that is subject to scrutiny of a standard comparable to supervision by a competent authority,”

“credit institution” means
: (a) a credit institution within the meaning of §1 (1) of the KWG that is subject to supervision by a competent authority; or (b) another credit institution within the meaning of Article 123(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union that is subject to scrutiny of a standard comparable to supervision by a competent authority,’

»credit institution« means
: (a) a credit institution within the meaning of § 1(1) of the KWG; or (b) another credit institution within the meaning of Article 101(2) of the Treaty that is...

“credit institution” means
: (a) a credit institution within the meaning of § 1(1) of the KWG; or (b) another credit institution within the meaning of Article 101(2) of the Treaty that is...
»credit institution« means
: (a) a credit institution within the meaning of § 1(1) of the KWG; or (b) another credit institution within the meaning of Article 101(2) of the Treaty that is subject to scrutiny of a standard comparable to supervision by a competent authority.”

“credit institution” means
: (a) a credit institution within the meaning of § 1(1) of the KWG; or (b) another credit institution within the meaning of Article 101(2) of the Treaty that is subject to scrutiny of a standard comparable to supervision by a competent authority.’

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Lista haseł angielskich
Lista haseł niemieckich
Lista haseł włoskich
Lista haseł rosyjskich