Baza aktów prawnych Unii Europejskiej  Cytaty odnotowujące konkretne użycie tłumaczeń słów angielsko-polskich i polsko-angielskich umieszczone w serwisie pochodzą z Bazy danych DGT-TM, która jest wyłączną własnością Komisji Europejskiej i została udostępniona bezpłatnie i bez ograniczeń terytorialnych. Data dostępu do bazy 02.09.2019. Dokładne informacje nt. pochodzenia źródła tłumaczenia oraz daty powstania dokumentu w bazie DGT-TM zostały umieszczone pod poszczególnymi cytatami wraz z aktywnym odnośnikiem do oryginalnego dokumentu z bazy.
Lista cytatów w języku polskim i angielskim zawierająca frazę: continue
Turn left onto the A3100 and
south west to a junction at map reference SU944423.

Turn left onto the A3100 and
south-west to a junction at map reference SU944423.
Turn left onto the A3100 and
south west to a junction at map reference SU944423.

Turn left onto the A3100 and
south-west to a junction at map reference SU944423.

Turn left onto the B2130 and
south west, then north west, then south west and then north to the junction at map reference SU972437.

Turn left onto the B2130 and
south-west, then
, then south-west and then north to the junction at map reference SU972437.
Turn left onto the B2130 and
south west, then north west, then south west and then north to the junction at map reference SU972437.

Turn left onto the B2130 and
south-west, then
, then south-west and then north to the junction at map reference SU972437.

Turn onto the A46(T) and
north and then north east to a roundabout at map reference SK920653.

Turn onto the A46(T) and
north and then
to a roundabout at map reference SK920653.
Turn onto the A46(T) and
north and then north east to a roundabout at map reference SK920653.

Turn onto the A46(T) and
north and then
to a roundabout at map reference SK920653.

north, north east, north then north east to a roundabout at map reference TF005733.

, north then north-east to a roundabout at map reference TF005733.
north, north east, north then north east to a roundabout at map reference TF005733.

, north then north-east to a roundabout at map reference TF005733.

Turn right onto the B2135 and
north west and west to a T junction at map reference TQ164213.

Turn right onto the B2135 and
continue north-west
and west to a T-junction at map reference TQ164213.
Turn right onto the B2135 and
north west and west to a T junction at map reference TQ164213.

Turn right onto the B2135 and
continue north-west
and west to a T-junction at map reference TQ164213.

Turn left onto the A327 and
north west, north, west, then north to a junction at map reference SU717731.

Turn left onto the A327 and
continue north-west
, north, west, then north to a junction at map reference SU717731.
Turn left onto the A327 and
north west, north, west, then north to a junction at map reference SU717731.

Turn left onto the A327 and
continue north-west
, north, west, then north to a junction at map reference SU717731.

Turn left onto the A4130 and
north west to a roundabout at map reference SU622890.

Turn left onto the A4130 and
continue north-west
to a roundabout at map reference SU622890.
Turn left onto the A4130 and
north west to a roundabout at map reference SU622890.

Turn left onto the A4130 and
continue north-west
to a roundabout at map reference SU622890.

Turn right onto the A4074 and
north west to a roundabout at map reference SU597926.

Turn right onto the A4074 and
continue north-west
to a roundabout at map reference SU597926.
Turn right onto the A4074 and
north west to a roundabout at map reference SU597926.

Turn right onto the A4074 and
continue north-west
to a roundabout at map reference SU597926.

Turn left onto the A323 and
north west to map reference SU766568.

Turn left onto the A323 and
continue north-west
to map reference SU766568.
Turn left onto the A323 and
north west to map reference SU766568.

Turn left onto the A323 and
continue north-west
to map reference SU766568.

north west, then north, then north east to a junction at map reference SU859517.

Continue north-west
, then north, then north-east to a junction at map reference SU859517.
north west, then north, then north east to a junction at map reference SU859517.

Continue north-west
, then north, then north-east to a junction at map reference SU859517.

north east, north, then north east to a roundabout at TA264040.

Continue north-east
, north, then north-east to a roundabout at TA264040.
north east, north, then north east to a roundabout at TA264040.

Continue north-east
, north, then north-east to a roundabout at TA264040.

Turn right onto the A31 and
north east to a junction at map reference SU853475.

Turn right onto the A31 and
continue north-east
to a junction at map reference SU853475.
Turn right onto the A31 and
north east to a junction at map reference SU853475.

Turn right onto the A31 and
continue north-east
to a junction at map reference SU853475.

north east to a junction at map reference SU788585.

Continue north-east
to a junction at map reference SU788585.
north east to a junction at map reference SU788585.

Continue north-east
to a junction at map reference SU788585.

north east to a junction at map reference TF205860.

Continue north-east
to a junction at map reference TF205860.
north east to a junction at map reference TF205860.

Continue north-east
to a junction at map reference TF205860.

north east to a junction with a minor road on the coast at map reference TA213082.

Continue north-east
to a junction with a minor road on the coast at map reference TA213082.
north east to a junction with a minor road on the coast at map reference TA213082.

Continue north-east
to a junction with a minor road on the coast at map reference TA213082.

north east to a T junction at map reference SK971693.

Continue north-east
to a T-junction at map reference SK971693.
north east to a T junction at map reference SK971693.

Continue north-east
to a T-junction at map reference SK971693.

north east, then north and then north west to a roundabout at map reference SK589051.

Continue north-east
, then north and then
to a roundabout at map reference SK589051.
north east, then north and then north west to a roundabout at map reference SK589051.

Continue north-east
, then north and then
to a roundabout at map reference SK589051.

Turn right onto the A4155 and
north, east, then north east to a junction at map reference SU716750.

Turn right onto the A4155 and
north, east, then
to a junction at map reference SU716750.
Turn right onto the A4155 and
north, east, then north east to a junction at map reference SU716750.

Turn right onto the A4155 and
north, east, then
to a junction at map reference SU716750.

Turn right onto the A158 and
north east, then east to a junction at map reference TF133780.

Turn right onto the A158 and
continue north-east
, then east to a junction at map reference TF133780.
Turn right onto the A158 and
north east, then east to a junction at map reference TF133780.

Turn right onto the A158 and
continue north-east
, then east to a junction at map reference TF133780.

Turn left onto the B5414 and
north to a T junction at map reference SP633869.

Turn left onto the B5414 and
north to a T-junction at map reference SP633869.
Turn left onto the B5414 and
north to a T junction at map reference SP633869.

Turn left onto the B5414 and
north to a T-junction at map reference SP633869.

Lista haseł polskich
Lista haseł angielskich
Lista haseł niemieckich
Lista haseł włoskich
Lista haseł rosyjskich