Baza aktów prawnych Unii Europejskiej  Cytaty odnotowujące konkretne użycie tłumaczeń słów angielsko-polskich i polsko-angielskich umieszczone w serwisie pochodzą z Bazy danych DGT-TM, która jest wyłączną własnością Komisji Europejskiej i została udostępniona bezpłatnie i bez ograniczeń terytorialnych. Data dostępu do bazy 02.09.2019. Dokładne informacje nt. pochodzenia źródła tłumaczenia oraz daty powstania dokumentu w bazie DGT-TM zostały umieszczone pod poszczególnymi cytatami wraz z aktywnym odnośnikiem do oryginalnego dokumentu z bazy.
Lista cytatów w języku polskim i angielskim zawierająca frazę: contain
It may also
various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.]

It may also
various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.]
It may also
various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.]

It may also
various small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C1 through C6.]

This stream may
10 vol. % or more benzene.]

This stream may
10 vol. % or more benzene.]
This stream may
10 vol. % or more benzene.]

This stream may
10 vol. % or more benzene.]

This stream is likely to
10 vol. % or more benzene.]

This stream is likely to
10 vol. % or more benzene.]
This stream is likely to
10 vol. % or more benzene.]

This stream is likely to
10 vol. % or more benzene.]

...having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 (primarily C8) and can
nonaromatic hydrocarbons, both boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 200 °C (266 °

...having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 (primarily C8) and can
nonaromatic hydrocarbons, both boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 200 °C (266 °
It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 (primarily C8) and can
nonaromatic hydrocarbons, both boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 200 °C (266 °F to 392 °F).]

It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C12 (primarily C8) and can
nonaromatic hydrocarbons, both boiling in the range of approximately 130 °C to 200 °C (266 °F to 392 °F).]

(EN) ‘This fish feed exported to the EU under preferential quota does not
added gluten, in addition to the gluten naturally present in the cereals that may enter in the compounding of the...

in English ‘This fish feed exported to the EU under preferential quota does not
added gluten, in addition to the gluten naturally present in the cereals that may enter in the compounding of...
(EN) ‘This fish feed exported to the EU under preferential quota does not
added gluten, in addition to the gluten naturally present in the cereals that may enter in the compounding of the fish feed.’

in English ‘This fish feed exported to the EU under preferential quota does not
added gluten, in addition to the gluten naturally present in the cereals that may enter in the compounding of the fish feed.’

Lista haseł polskich
Lista haseł angielskich
Lista haseł niemieckich
Lista haseł włoskich
Lista haseł rosyjskich