Baza aktów prawnych Unii Europejskiej  Cytaty odnotowujące konkretne użycie tłumaczeń słów angielsko-polskich i polsko-angielskich umieszczone w serwisie pochodzą z Bazy danych DGT-TM, która jest wyłączną własnością Komisji Europejskiej i została udostępniona bezpłatnie i bez ograniczeń terytorialnych. Data dostępu do bazy 02.09.2019. Dokładne informacje nt. pochodzenia źródła tłumaczenia oraz daty powstania dokumentu w bazie DGT-TM zostały umieszczone pod poszczególnymi cytatami wraz z aktywnym odnośnikiem do oryginalnego dokumentu z bazy.
Lista cytatów w języku polskim i angielskim zawierająca frazę: Specific
...or issued as a result of the provision of a certification service may be entitled to receive a
»qualification« on the basis of their compliance with the provisions and requirements laid

...or issued as a result of the provision of a certification service may be entitled to receive a
“qualification” on the basis of their compliance with the provisions and requirements laid
Some of the physical or binary (logical) objects generated or issued as a result of the provision of a certification service may be entitled to receive a
»qualification« on the basis of their compliance with the provisions and requirements laid down at national level but the meaning of such a »qualification« is likely to be limited solely to the national level.

Some of the physical or binary (logical) objects generated or issued as a result of the provision of a certification service may be entitled to receive a
“qualification” on the basis of their compliance with the provisions and requirements laid down at national level but the meaning of such a “qualification” is likely to be limited solely to the national level.

Wskaźniki te powinny uwzględniać kryteria metodologii SMART (ang.
, measurable in the short/medium term, achievable, realistic and time-bound – konkretne, mierzalne w krótkim/średnim okresie,...

Indicators should take into account the SMART criteria (
, measurable in the short/medium term, achievable, realistic and time-bound) and include a starting level, a target and a clear...
Wskaźniki te powinny uwzględniać kryteria metodologii SMART (ang.
, measurable in the short/medium term, achievable, realistic and time-bound – konkretne, mierzalne w krótkim/średnim okresie, osiągalne, realne, ujęte w ramy czasowe) oraz posiadać poziom wyjściowy, poziom docelowy i wyraźny horyzont czasowy, umożliwiający porównanie podczas przeglądów rocznych, śródokresowych i końcowych.

Indicators should take into account the SMART criteria (
, measurable in the short/medium term, achievable, realistic and time-bound) and include a starting level, a target and a clear time-horizon, to allow for comparisons at the time of annual, mid- and end-of-term reviews. stronie internetowej Komisji:

...available on the Commission's website:
Przyjęta przez Komisję w dniu 26 lipca 2001 r. metodologia jest dostępna na stronie internetowej Komisji:

Adopted by the Commission on 26 July 2001. The Methodology is available on the Commission's website:

Słowa: „i-Size universal ISOFIX” lub „
vehicle ISOFIX” w zależności od kategorii urządzenia przytrzymującego dla dzieci;

The words "i-Size universal ISOFIX" or "
vehicle ISOFIX" depending on the category of Child Restraint System;
Słowa: „i-Size universal ISOFIX” lub „
vehicle ISOFIX” w zależności od kategorii urządzenia przytrzymującego dla dzieci;

The words "i-Size universal ISOFIX" or "
vehicle ISOFIX" depending on the category of Child Restraint System;




Chemical Induction of
Locus Mutations in Chinese Hamster Cells In vitro, Proc. Natl.

Chemical Induction of
Locus Mutations in Chinese Hamster Cells In Vitro, Proc.
Chemical Induction of
Locus Mutations in Chinese Hamster Cells In vitro, Proc. Natl.

Chemical Induction of
Locus Mutations in Chinese Hamster Cells In Vitro, Proc.

...that its central authorities be informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of
third countries or to specific categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit

...that its central authorities be informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of
third countries or to specific categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit
„According to Article 31 of the Visa Code a Member State may require that its central authorities be informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of
third countries or to specific categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit visa is issued. This information is transmitted by sending an H-FORM.”;

‘According to Article 31 of the Visa Code a Member State may require that its central authorities be informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of
third countries or to specific categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit visa is issued. This information is transmitted by sending an H-FORM.’;

Biological treatability of
organic compounds found in chemical industry waste waters. J. Wat.

Biological treatability of
organic compounds found in chemical industry waste waters.
Biological treatability of
organic compounds found in chemical industry waste waters. J. Wat.

Biological treatability of
organic compounds found in chemical industry waste waters.

Szczególne ryzyko korelacji (
Wrong-Way Risk) powstaje wówczas, gdy ekspozycja wobec danego kontrahenta pozostaje w korelacji dodatniej z prawdopodobieństwem niewykonania przez niego...

Wrong‐Way Risk’ arises when the exposure to a particular counterparty is positively correlated with the PD of the counterparty due to the nature of the transactions with the counterparty.
Szczególne ryzyko korelacji (
Wrong-Way Risk) powstaje wówczas, gdy ekspozycja wobec danego kontrahenta pozostaje w korelacji dodatniej z prawdopodobieństwem niewykonania przez niego zobowiązań, co wynika z charakteru transakcji, w których uczestniczy.

Wrong‐Way Risk’ arises when the exposure to a particular counterparty is positively correlated with the PD of the counterparty due to the nature of the transactions with the counterparty.

interpretation rules for any additional information with regard to a listed service (e.g. »Service information extensions« field) may be found, when applicable, in the Member State specific...

interpretation rules for any additional information with regard to a listed service (e.g. “Service information extensions” field) may be found, when applicable, in the Member State specific...
interpretation rules for any additional information with regard to a listed service (e.g. »Service information extensions« field) may be found, when applicable, in the Member State specific URI as part of the present »Scheme type/community/rules« field.

interpretation rules for any additional information with regard to a listed service (e.g. “Service information extensions” field) may be found, when applicable, in the Member State specific URI as part of the present “Scheme type/community/rules” field. informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of specific third countries or to
categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit visa is issued. This... informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of specific third countries or to
categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit visa is issued. This...
„According to Article 31 of the Visa Code a Member State may require that its central authorities be informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of specific third countries or to
categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit visa is issued. This information is transmitted by sending an H-FORM.”;

‘According to Article 31 of the Visa Code a Member State may require that its central authorities be informed of visas issued by other Member States to nationals of specific third countries or to
categories of such nationals, except when an airport transit visa is issued. This information is transmitted by sending an H-FORM.’;

[…]The downgrade of AGF, the holding company, is not
to any issues within the French franchise and generally reflects the Allianz group’s financial leverage and fixed-charge coverage, which...

[…] The downgrade of AGF, the holding company, is not
to any issues within the French franchise and generally reflects the Allianz group’s financial leverage and fixed-charge coverage, which...
[…]The downgrade of AGF, the holding company, is not
to any issues within the French franchise and generally reflects the Allianz group’s financial leverage and fixed-charge coverage, which are increasingly aggressive relative to the group’s ratings and are a result of the group’s weakened consolidated capital base and reduced earnings ”.

[…] The downgrade of AGF, the holding company, is not
to any issues within the French franchise and generally reflects the Allianz group’s financial leverage and fixed-charge coverage, which are increasingly aggressive relative to the group’s ratings and are a result of the group’s weakened consolidated capital base and reduced earnings. ’

Clive, D., McCuen, R., Spector, J. F. S., Piper, C. and Mavournin, K. H. (1983),
Gene Muta tions in L5178Y Cells in Culture.

Clive, D., McCuen, R., Spector, J.F.S., Piper, C. and Mavournin, K.H., (1983)
Gene Mutations in L5178Y Cells in Culture. A Report of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gene-Tox Program.
Clive, D., McCuen, R., Spector, J. F. S., Piper, C. and Mavournin, K. H. (1983),
Gene Muta tions in L5178Y Cells in Culture.

Clive, D., McCuen, R., Spector, J.F.S., Piper, C. and Mavournin, K.H., (1983)
Gene Mutations in L5178Y Cells in Culture. A Report of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gene-Tox Program.

...applications – European Rail Traffic Management System – Driver Machine Interface – part 7 –
Transmission Modules

...applications — European Rail Traffic Management System — Driver Machine Interface — part 7 —
Transmission Modules
Railway applications – European Rail Traffic Management System – Driver Machine Interface – part 7 –
Transmission Modules

Railway applications — European Rail Traffic Management System — Driver Machine Interface — part 7 —
Transmission Modules

...szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej (ang. Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality). Program ten zyskał poparcie dwóch największych partii opoz a Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies (‘MEFP’) and a Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality (‘MoU’) This policy programme was supported by the two large
W dniu 3 maja 2011 r. osiągnięto porozumienie pomiędzy rządem Portugalii i wspólną delegacją złożoną z przedstawicieli Komisji, MFW i EBC co do kompleksowego trzyletniego programu działań na okres do połowy roku 2014; porozumienie to zostanie ujęte w protokole dotyczącym polityki gospodarczej i finansowej (ang. Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies) i w protokole ustaleń dotyczącym szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej (ang. Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality). Program ten zyskał poparcie dwóch największych partii opozycyjnych.

On 3 May 2011, an agreement was reached between the Government and the joint Commission/IMF/ECB mission in respect of a comprehensive three-year policy programme for the period up to mid-2014, to be laid down in a Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies (‘MEFP’) and a Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality (‘MoU’) This policy programme was supported by the two largest opposition parties.

...szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej (ang. Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality, zwany dalej „protokołem ustaleń”) oraz jego podpisanie prze

...grant, in principle, stability support to Cyprus and approved the Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality (hereinafter the ‘MoU’) and its signing by the Commission on
W dniu 24 kwietnia 2013 r. rada zarządzająca EMS podjęła decyzję o udzieleniu zasadniczo pomocy stabilizacyjnej Cyprowi oraz zatwierdziła protokół ustaleń dotyczący szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej (ang. Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality, zwany dalej „protokołem ustaleń”) oraz jego podpisanie przez Komisję w imieniu EMS.

On 24 April 2013, the ESM Board of Governors decided to grant, in principle, stability support to Cyprus and approved the Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality (hereinafter the ‘MoU’) and its signing by the Commission on behalf of the ESM.

...szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej (ang. Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality, zwany dalej „protokołem ustaleń”) oraz jego podpisanie prze

...grant, in principle, stability support to Cyprus and approved the Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality (hereinafter referred to as the ‘MoU’) and its signing by th
W dniu 24 kwietnia 2013 r. rada zarządzająca EMS podjęła decyzję o udzieleniu zasadniczo pomocy stabilizacyjnej Cyprowi oraz zatwierdziła protokół ustaleń dotyczący szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej (ang. Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality, zwany dalej „protokołem ustaleń”) oraz jego podpisanie przez Komisję w imieniu EMS.

On 24 April 2013 the ESM Board of Governors decided to grant, in principle, stability support to Cyprus and approved the Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality (hereinafter referred to as the ‘MoU’) and its signing by the Commission on behalf of the ESM.

Portugalia, „Memorandum Of Understanding On
Economic Policy Conditionality” (Protokół ustaleń dotyczący szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej), z dnia 17 maja 2011 r.,...

Portugal, ‘Memorandum Of Understanding On
Economic Policy Conditionality’, 17 May 2011,
Portugalia, „Memorandum Of Understanding On
Economic Policy Conditionality” (Protokół ustaleń dotyczący szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej), z dnia 17 maja 2011 r.,

Portugal, ‘Memorandum Of Understanding On
Economic Policy Conditionality’, 17 May 2011,

...szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej (ang. Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality) („protokół ustaleń”).

economic policy conditions agreed with Portugal should be laid down in a Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality (the ‘Memorandum of Understanding’).
Ustalone z Portugalią szczegółowe warunki dotyczące polityki gospodarczej powinny zostać określone w protokole ustaleń dotyczącym szczegółowych warunków w zakresie polityki gospodarczej (ang. Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality) („protokół ustaleń”).

economic policy conditions agreed with Portugal should be laid down in a Memorandum of Understanding on
Economic Policy Conditionality (the ‘Memorandum of Understanding’).

...(e.g. »Service information extensions« field) may be found, when applicable, in the Member State
URI as part of the present »Scheme type/community/rules« field.

...(e.g. “Service information extensions” field) may be found, when applicable, in the Member State
URI as part of the present “Scheme type/community/rules” field.
Specific interpretation rules for any additional information with regard to a listed service (e.g. »Service information extensions« field) may be found, when applicable, in the Member State
URI as part of the present »Scheme type/community/rules« field.

Specific interpretation rules for any additional information with regard to a listed service (e.g. “Service information extensions” field) may be found, when applicable, in the Member State
URI as part of the present “Scheme type/community/rules” field.

Lista haseł polskich
Lista haseł angielskich
Lista haseł niemieckich
Lista haseł włoskich
Lista haseł rosyjskich